10./11. August - a bit cooler and windy, and trip to Zakynthos Town.

It has got cooler at last, and the wind made up for some pretty waves.

I go for a little walk along the beach.

The plate says: you should not stay under the rock ...

I go there, for there are no overhanging rocks in this part.

View back to the hotel.

The hotel beach.

Pedal boats for rent.

Palm tree in the hotel garden

Going for dinner. On the left side up, the towels are hanging on our balcony to dry out.

In the Taverna Zepos.

The time waiting for the food is used for a few pictures - the evening light is so pretty today.


The Hotel Crystal Beach


Evening in Zante Town - to the right is the Campanile of the ...

 ... Basilica.

We go inside and marvel at the gorgeous interior.

The harbour.

the triangular main place of Zante Town

11.8.2012 - another lazy day on the beach. In the evening far sheet lightning. During the meal, I jump for the camera and the tripod and hold on into the darkness.

The thunderstorm must be very far away (presumably over the Peloponnes) - we donīt hear thunder, but the huge thundercloud is enlightened from inside.

After dinner an evening stroll to Kalamaki village - on our way back, it begins to rain with only a few big droplets - only for a few minutes. The next day I could see the traces of the single droplets in the dust near the street.
