26.2.2021 Mount Longido.

After a rather sleepless night in the tent, on a leaky air mettress in fact lying directly on the ground, we start for the summit at 7 a.m..

The bonfire is nearly down, and the tents are dismounted, ...

 ... and off we go. 

Wonderful mountain landscape with grassland and open mountain forest.

More granite plates to walk on.

The summit comes closer only very slowly.

Flowrishing acaciae.

Hildebrandt´s morning glory (Ipomoea Hildebrandtii), belonging to the bindweed familiy, but growing like a bush.

Granite plates

Craterostigma hirsutum, die "resurrection plant" - it can dry down completely, even the leaves, but after the next rain it regrows and flowrishes immediately thereafter. It is therefore perfectly adapted to the change of dry and wet seasons in the African savanna.

In wonderful flower one of about 400 Aloe species, presumably Aloe Kwasimbana; maybe Volken´s Aloe (Aloe Volkensii) ???


After a short descent and crossing a narrow river valley, the route leads steep up through mountain rainforest, the path nearly invisible. Here we already have entered the region with lichen-covered trees.

During a short pause, I have a look at the wonderful flowering plants up here. This is a Pelargonia (Pelargonium alchemilloides or Pelargonium peltatum)

Flowrishing bushes beneath the steep granite rocks up to the summit - Solanecio Mannii

Solanecio Mannii

"Poor man´s rhododendron" (Impatiens sodenii)

Egyptian starcluster (Pentas lanceolata var. angustifolia)

I decide to refuse the last short leg to the summit - my energy and concentration is not good enough for an exposed rock climb. You have to know what can be done, and what has to be avoided.

So, I admire the nature up on the ridge, at about 2.500 m asl.

Kniphofia (tritoma, red hot poker, torch lily, or poker plant) in red and yellow.

View to the Longido summit.

Grassland and granite rocks on the ridge.

Our porter is still smiling. At the end of the walk, he will be exhausted too.

View down to Longido Town.

Kniphofia (tritoma, red hot poker, torch lily, or poker plant)

View down to Longido Town. The descent is a very hot walk, and due to lack of water, we arrive down very dried out. Good that we omitted the short detour to the summit. The drive back to the Original Maasai Lodge takes, after extensive rehydration (about 2 l of water and juice), more than 2 hours - in the small car of the guide, completely unsuitable for the very bad gravel roads around the lodge.

In the evening, after a good dinner in the lodge, I have regenerated a bit, at least enough to be able to set up the camera on a tripod and take this picture of Kilimanscharo in the light of the full moon.

BTW.: an excellent report on Mount Longido, with wonderful pictures, can be found at: https://www.journeyera.com/mount-longido-hike-tanzania/

