4.1.2017: Mount Meru Tag 2 - durch Bergregenwald zur Sattel Hütte.

Breakfast at 7 in the morning, followed by start for the second day, up to the saddle hut..

Of course I got up a few minutes after 6 a.m. to admire the sunrise.

Clouds in the valley.

First morning light in the eastern escarpments of Mount Meru

Only a few minutes till sunrise.

More light on Meru

Kilimandscharo in first morning light, far right the Momella lakes.

Meru in full sunlight now.

The sun is rising up very fast here near the equator.

Still not ready for start - first have my breakfast.

Slowly, the sun comes down to here.

Ready for the start.

We now walk the mountain rain forest ...

 ... on a beautifully constructed path.

No clouds yet on Kilimandscharo.

Mount Meru

The recent new snow on Kilimandscharo seems to get less.

Huge trees, covered with lichen.

We now enter the mountainous area with wonderful wild flowers - red hot poker (Kniphofia Thomsonii) in orange and yellow.

One more beck to cross.

Orchids on the opposite steep slope

The juniper forest has burned down recently - now flowers are sprouting - like this hebenstretia dentata (didn´t find an English name, sorry).

Kilimandscharo will be completely wrapped inclouds soon.

1.500 m above the valley you slowly get the impression to sit in an aeroplane.

Hebenstretia dentata

This asteracea is visited by flies. I suppose it to be an Everlasting (Helichrysum).

We reach the saddle hut at lunch time. At 3.500 m the air is thin now.

After a long rest I go for a little stroll arouind the hut. I don´t walk the Little Meru.

Furthermore, I decide to cut short tomorrow´s walk. 6 more hours up and down to the summit, the majority during the night, then back down to the Miriakamba hut, would be more than I could do with my level of energy. The bump on the ridge, called Rhino Point, is said to be the best view point here. It should suffice.

Rain water reservoir

As opposed to most houses in Tansania, all buidings on Mount Meru are suited with cullins, and the water is collected.

The saddle hut has about the same dimensions as the Miriakamba hut.

Luckily, the woodfire could be stopped before it reached the hut.

I look around.

Small, violet flowers on the slope to the ravine.

I don´t know anything about mountain flowers in Tansania, and it is difficult to fund something in the inernet, so I cannot give a name here. However, I would be glad to get some help.

Puddles after the recent rain.

Little Meru (3.800 m)

Little Meru (3.800 m)

This is the route to the summit of Meru

Little Meru (3.800 m)

View to Rhino Point, tomorrow´s goal.

I walk to the highest point of the saddle, but I cannot see anything but dust to the west, no more mountains.

Batck at the hut.

After dinner I go to bed early.

