26.12.2016 Flight from Vienna via Amsterdam to Kilimandscharo International Airport.

Darkness at the flight to Amsterdam, so first pictures from the start till Africa. Amsterdam ...

Dutch fields

Above the clouds

The Rhine

We cross the Alps.

Snow in the summit regions only ...

 ... with a few small bands of artificial snow in the skiing areas.

Now flying along the Croatian Coast: Split, with the island of Brac far left, where we spent last summer holiday.

Brac, Split is now far right

Reaching Egypt and the desert after about 40% of the flight duration - Africa really is huge!


The reservoir of the river Nile above the Nasser Nile dam.

Evening. Landing was in time at 20:40, at this time it is dark in Africa too. Afterwards, it takes an hour for Visa and entry formalities, and another 1 1/2 hours for the 40 or 50 kmīs drive to Momella on the very bad gravel- and rock - road.

