Saubersdorf 20./21.2.2016

Two walks to the fields and to Saubersdorf and back, each about two hours.

20.1.: It is bright, but high clouds inhibit full sunshine. Bad weather is coming. Nearly dayly, I see deer in the fields now.

Good visibility to Schnneberg today.

This pond is well refilled after last weeks´ rainy days.

Water in the Mori beck too.

21.2.2016: After a rainy evening and night and a windy and rainy morning, the clouds tear apart all of a sudden at noon, ...

 ... and now and then the sun comes out.

First heading for Weikersdorf to the Frauen beck.

The turing to the right heading for Saubersdorf.

Fresh snow on the mountains.

The heavy wind tears apart the clouds, sunny spells are very short however.

Only small parts of Schneeberg can be seen today.

Hohe Wand, with Winzendorf in front, getting sunshine

More sunny spells.

The road is still rather wet.

Saubersdorf, with the hills of the Bucklige Welt in behind.

Schneeberg in clouds, Hohe Wand.

View from the hill with the transponder to Winzendorf ...

 ... and Wiener Neustadt.

On the way back.

More dramatic views now.

And a faint rainbow to the opposite side ...

 ... which enhances for a short time.

Still rain in the mountains.


Clouds in the eastern ...

 ...  and southern sky.

Only here a sunny spell, which has stayed constant for a while now.

Back at the Frauen beck.
