Puchberg 22.9.2013

Hansjürgen Pietsch has pointed out to me a grassland near the praxis of his wife in Puchberg, where lots of meadow saffrons (autumn crocus) are flowrishing. Having to drive my daughter to the riding lesson in Puchberg, I make use of the 1 1/2 hours waiting time to look for that place.

The narrow gravel roads branches off from the main road from Puchberg to Ternitz and leads through smooth grassland upward heading for Puchberg´s cemetery.

Near the road the first Meadow saffrons (Colchica autumnale)

Schneeberg can be seen from here, the summit wrapped in clouds today.

View back to the Sierning dale. Only a few of the violet flowers near the road, but I can see a band of grass leading upwards appearing violet even from afar.

Here they are, I found the place!

Thousands of meadow saffrons on a band of grass along a fruit garden. Don´t know why they prefer to grow in this place exclusively, in other places around only scarce.

Himberg with the transponder in the background..

From a small hill (on the map shown out as ("Falkhöhe") I get a wonderful view to Puchberg and the Schneeberg

The summit still in clouds.

A train of the Schneebergbahn performs an on demand - stop at the Voka gallery.

Panoramic picture of Hengst, Schneeberg and Puchberg, far right is the Himberg. Click here or into the picture for a larger version.

The grassland on the Falkhöhe is edged by numerous bushes of the Cornel sherry.

One more look at the flowers on the way back ...

View to the Sierning valley.

This bee was interested only in the nectar on the ground of the flower. Pollen is covering nearly its whole body.

Very dense population.

Behind the flowers, apples are ripening on the trees.

Finally, I follow the road I have left to see the flowers,  ...

 ... to reach the outskirts of Puchberg above the cemetery.
