Marble Quarry 5.3.2005

During the night the snow clouds have disappeared, and the sun comes out. This afternoon I go for a short walk from Muthmannsdorf to the old marble quarry

The edge of the wood near the parking ground

Looking back to Muthmannsdorf

Piled up fire wood near the drive

Inmidst the dense black  pine forest

On the ridge of Fischauer Vorberge

Near the "View to Neue Welt", Hohe Wand in the background.

Schneeberg should be visible, however today it is much too hazy.

In southwestern direction the ridge gets much more rockier and ultimately escarps steeply. Here it is not so easy to proceed, you could only climb.

The view to the other direction on the plain of Wiener Becken. On the horizon the plane Black pine forest of yesterday´s walk.

The abandoned marble quarry. Apparently, Nazis favoured the red - brown color of the rocks inciting them to use in covering the Berliner Reichskanzlei.

Today, every August sees a meeting of sculptors working on the residual blocks

Black pine forest on the way back
