25.8.2020: Sölkpass - Hornfeldspitze.

After a walk in dull weather (without camera) and a rainy day at home, on Tuesday, according to Heidi´s suggestion, we drive to the Sölk pass, where we start our walk to the Hornfeldspitze (2.277 m).

The start on the Sölk pass is at 1.788 m, so not a huge ascent at all.

Seed heads of Alpine pasqueflowers (Pulsatilla alpina).

First view to the west to Eisenhut (2.456m) ...

 ... and to the North, down the Sölk valley. 

First glimpse of the summit - still more than 300 m ascent.

Three walkers and two dogs

Heidi and Ernst.

Looking down to the Alpine pasture of the Winkleralpe. Click here or into the picture for a larger display.


The summit of the Eisenhut (2.456m) is now wrapped in clouds.

Winkleralpe and Sölk valley.

In behind now a view to the Grimming, to its right the Totes Gebirge.

The summit in close view at last.

The dogs have to be taken on the lead in this rocky terrain.

Heidi and Ernst on the summit

Heidi and the author of these pages ...

View to the south with Aarfeldspitze (2.284 m), Narrenspitze (2.335 m) and Ameiskopf (2.245 m)

Panoramic view from Hornfeldspitze - West to Northeast. In centre of the picture is the Deneck (2.433 m). Click here or into the picture for a larger display.

Panoramic view from Hornfeldspitze - North to South. Sölk valley to the left. Click here or into the picture for a larger display

The summit of the Hornfeldspitze.

On the descent - view to the Deneck (2.433 m). On our way down, we watch a yellow rescue helicopter circling around the rocky escarpments left of the summit, and leaving shortly thereafter. Half an hour later, the red-blue police helicopter flies in, lands near the road and leaves for the rocks after about 15 minutes, with a tow line hanging down. News reports tell us in the evening, that a woman had fallen down the rocks. The corpse was removed by the police helicopter, which is responsible in these cases.

