Kienberg 19.2.2013

Today it is a bit hazy, but the sun has come out. I must venture out and only driving the car in direction of Willendorf I decide to climb Kienberg.

Between Strelzhof and Willendorf I park my car near a children´s playing ground.

My route to the summit is nearly completely leading through forest, only shortly before the summit there is this view to Willendorf, Würflach and the Wechsel region.

On the summit. Schneeberg is wrapped in high clouds. Now wonder, as snow is forecast for the late afternoon.

Maiersdorf and Hohe Wand, Stollhof to the right.

Zweiersdorf and Schneeberg.

Kienbergwiese. In shady places, snow has remained.

Shady forest ...

 ... with some high cornices. Thanks goodness for the vehicle tracks, otherwise I´s need snow shoes.

Ohter took their snow shoes with them  ...


 ... with a view to Schneeberg.

The way back once more leads through forest.
