Hohe Wand 26.11.2020

Dense high fog is covering large areas of eastern Austria. However, www.Schneeberg.tv shows, that the uppermost parts of Hohe Wand are out. So, we drive up for a nice stroll. Still mist at the branching to the Gasthof Postl  and the Skywalk, so we drive further to the Waldeggerhaus.

Here, we are greeted by a stunning view  ...

 ... to Schneeberg, ... 

 ... Ötscher ...

 ... and Unterberg. 

At times, the author of these pages has to be in the picture - this time for a picture for my book project of Hohe Wand is needed.

Another meadow near the house with a view to the Gutenstein Alps. Hoarfrost in the shady areas.

Schneeberg and Ötscher.

A bit more down on a grassy clearing, ...

 ... where we take seat for a short rest ...

 ... to enjoy the view. Lower parts of Hohe Wand are completely wrapped in mist.

Panoramic view from near Waldeggerhaus to the north. Click here or into the picture for a larger display.

A short leg to the east from here, to a dense young beech forest. From here, a bit of the Hohe Wand plateau is visble.

I have to stop at the drive back for some pictures of the pictorial hoarfrost in the forest.
