Weikersdorf 7.1.2016

After two days of mist, the sun is out in the morning, and it is still cold. After some work in the morning, I start my walk from Weikersdorf at 10:30 a.m..

After several days of heavy frost, the beck is frozen, and there is hoarfrost everywhere.

But the mist is lurking ...

Weikersdorfs church

I started of a bit too late: hoarfrost only in the shady areas.

But very beautiful in places.

No cones here, but sticks.

"Throw it, please!"

At the fishing pond near Saubersdorf

Now up the low hill with the wayside shrine near Saubersdorf.

Now view to Schneeberg today, due to a bank of clouds in between.

More mist is drawing in ...

 ... it gets hazier ...

 ... and 15 minutes later, the blanket is closed. And it gets warmer: on my way back, the ice on the beck is molten, in the meantime (in the evening), even the last reminders of the few amounts of snow are gone in continuing thaw.
